Aston Martin DB12
Sports Car/Coupe, Used vehicleVehicle details
Engine & Gearbox
Fuel: Petrol
Gearbox: Automatic
Power: 500kW (680PS)
Condition: Used vehicle
First registration: 03/2024
next inspection due: 03/2027
Exterior & Interior
Manufacturer's color description: Green
Exterior color: Green
Interior color: Black, Full leather
Energy & Environmental data
Consumpt. comb.: 12.2 l/100km*
Consumpt. urban: 20.6 l/100km*
Consumpt. extraurban: 10.7 l/100km*
Emission of CO2 comb.*: 276 g/km*
: 4 (Green)
Efficiency class (EU): G
Description of vehicle
Angeboten wird hier ein wunderschöner Aston Martin DB12 als Coupe in einer tollen Farbkombination.
Ein wunderschönes Grün Metallic mit der Kombination innen mit schwarz / grün.
Dazu ein toller V8 Motor mit sportliche, dezentem Klang.
Die Ausstattung umfasst unter anderem Folgendes:
Exterior: Green
Interior: Black
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"We are official and authorized Brabus Dealer"
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* Further information on the official fuel consumption and the official specific CO₂ emissions and, if applicable, the power consumption of new passenger cars can be found in the guide on the official fuel consumption, the official specific CO₂ emissions and the official power consumption of new passenger cars. This is available free of charge at all points of sale and from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH, as well as at
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